I can remember being spiritual from an early age. I felt a natural devotion to God and believed what my mother told me about God and where we came from. My parents were Mormons, and I was raised in that faith. As a child, my understanding of the world felt simple and complete, perfectly aligned with the beliefs I was taught. Faith came easily to me.

As I grew older, however, my faith began to waver. Perhaps it’s because, as children, our world is smaller, and it’s easier to embrace faith without question. But as we grow, our perspective broadens, and with it, doubts and uncertainties creep in. My once-unquestioning faith gave way to a more complicated view of life.

At 21, I fell in love for the first time. It was a whirlwind romance, and, in the tradition of our Mormon upbringing, we married quickly. I believed love would conquer all, but the reality of marriage was far more challenging. Emotional baggage and immaturity strained our relationship, and after two tumultuous years, it ended in divorce.

The divorce was devastating. I felt betrayed, unworthy, and utterly lost. My dreams of a happy, stable life were shattered, and I spiraled into a period of self-destruction. I sought solace in materialism, fleeting pleasures, and external validation, but nothing filled the void. I was searching for something deeper, though I didn’t realize it at the time.

The years that followed were marked by struggle. I graduated college, moved to a new city, and tried to rebuild my life, but the wounds of my past lingered. I turned to self-help and personal development, hoping to find answers. While I made some progress, my efforts were often superficial, focused on external success rather than inner transformation and cultivating wisdom. I was still searching for something deeper.

By 27, I hit rock bottom. Unemployed and living with my parents, I felt like a failure. It was during this time that I stumbled upon a program about “letting go”, by Hale Dwoskin. A man who would become my mentor in the coming years. Something about it resonated deeply with me, and I decided to give it a try. I had no idea that this simple practice would change my life forever.

As I began letting go, I felt an immediate sense of relief. It was like setting down a heavy burden I hadn’t realized I was carrying. My mind grew quieter, and I felt a deep sense of peace and stillness. Over the next few days, I continued the practice, and the effects were profound. I felt lighter, more energized, and genuinely happy for the first time in years.

On the third day, something extraordinary happened. I went for a walk on a cool October morning, and as I walked, I was overcome by an indescribable feeling of joy and bliss. Everything felt shiny and new. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced – far beyond the fleeting highs of material success or even the effects of drugs. This was pure, unconditional happiness, arising from within me. This was completely unexpected to me. I thought to myself “What is this? What is happening?” I had never felt like this in my entire life!

In that moment, I felt an infinite, choiceless love – for myself, for others, and for the entire universe. I saw no separation between myself and the world around me. Everything was connected, and everything was perfect just as it was. I realized that what we truly are is infinite, beyond time and space, and that there is nothing to fear – not even death.

I felt a sense of completeness, like I had fulfilled some ultimate destiny. I felt like I could die right then and there in peace, with no unfinished business. I felt complete redemption for myself and the whole world. The love of God is truly infinite and extends to everyone and everything.

As I stood there, I also felt a strange energy rising from the base of my spine to the top of my head. It was an intense, euphoric sensation, like a full-body orgasm. I only learned later that Hindus refer to this as “the awakening of kundalini.”

This experience lasted only a few moments, but it left an indelible mark on me. It was my first spiritual awakening, and it changed the course of my life. I began to see the world through new eyes, with a sense of peace and harmony I had never known before.

This experience lasted only a few moments, but it left an indelible mark on me. It was my first spiritual awakening, and it changed the course of my life. I began to see the world through new eyes, with a sense of peace and harmony I had never known before.

In the months that followed, my life transformed in ways that felt almost miraculous. I landed my dream job with a startup company, using the goal-setting techniques I describe in Chapter 7 of my book. After years of financial struggle, I finally felt secure and fulfilled in my work. My relationships improved effortlessly – with my family, with friends, and even in dating. I no longer had to chase or manipulate; people were simply drawn to me. Life became easier, more joyful, and more aligned.

This awakening marked the beginning of my spiritual journey. Since then, I’ve had other profound experiences, each deepening my understanding of who and what we truly are. But that first awakening was the turning point – the moment I realized that the peace and happiness I had been searching for were already within me, within all of us, waiting to be uncovered.
